Thursday, November 12, 2009

Home From Fantastic Moscow, a Short Post

I arrived home from Moscow last night, and I'm still a bit jet-lagged, so only one picture for now. This wonderful statue is one of 76 statues in the Moscow Metro station "Ploschad Revolutsii". The Metro is simply unbelievable. The stations are like museums; each has a theme, and some of them are simply filled with astonishingly lovely works of art. 

This statue of a soldier and his dog is one of four similar statues in this station, you will notice that the dog's nose is shiny....because almost everyone gives it a gentle touch as they pass by; this is for good luck.

Moscow is an incredible city, and I was privileged to have a wonderful and thoughtful guide to show me so much in such a short time, (Thank you, Julia!!) I have lots of pictures that I'll be posting, but this is one of my favorites; a little Moscow doggy that everyone who passes by touches, and maybe loves a little bit.

1 comment:

jt_handmade said...

thank you so much, Sherry! am so happy you liked your visit=) do you remember the dog from the studio? he sends you his hugs =)